Thursday, 30 June 2011

My Breastfeeding Experience and Tips

Many are amazed that I'm still breastfeeding Hayden. While it seems to come naturally to me, I do have some tips I can share. Breastfeeding requires conscious effort and should you decide to do it, please try to go for exclusive breastfeeding.

1) Do not think you do not have enough milk
Milk supply takes a while to come in. Newborns can actually go without feeding for the 1st 3 days after birth without any effect on them. However, it is still advisable to let them latch on as it will help stimulate milk production. If you start introducing formula in the hospital, your newborn might be full and may not want to suckle and this may affect your milk supply. Remember, the more baby suckles, the more milk you will produce.

2) Empty your breasts at each feeding
Although it is recommended to feed on both sides for each feeding, your breastfed baby will know when he/she has had enough. If he/she pulls away from the breast on his own, it means he is full. If you offer another side, he may not want it. Even if he suckles the other side, he may end up puking it out. I have a few experiences of this myself. If baby is hungry, he/she will cry and will "search" for food. Trust me, after awhile, you will be able to decipher that he/she is hungry.

Hence, if baby only feeds on one side, express the other side and any remaining milk from the first breast. Do this from the start so your milk supply will be high and/or remain high. If you leave it, your breast will slowly adapt and produce less milk because it senses that it is over-producing. Mother Nature is really amazing.

3) Increasing milk supply
It takes 2-3 days to stabilize milk supply hence if your milk supply has dwindled due to wrong practices, it is not too late. You can start by increasing the number of times you express per day, during and between feeds. After 2-3 days, your supply will start increasing again.

In the meantime, drink more water and keep yourself hydrated. If you are still in your confinement, you can add hot water to your red date tea to make it more diluted before you drink instead of drinking plain water directly. (Drinking plain water is believed to cause water retention according to old wives tales. Its up to you to believe).

Some also believe that eating more fish will increase milk supply. I personally do not believe this but I did eat alot of fish during my confinement. I only ate 2 types of fish. Cod fish and "Ngoh Hee" or "Noon" fish (not sure of its english name). Even if fish doesnt help with milk supply, it is high in DHA and will be beneficial to your baby.

Alternatively, you may also try supplements like fenugreek. It helps.

4) Ensuring your breastmilk is nutritious
I take DHA supplements and multi-vitamins meant for lactating mothers to ensure that my breastmilk remains nutritious for Hayden. You can get them from your gynae/GP/pharmacy. However, having a balanced diet is sufficient. I take the supplements because my busy schedule when I was working prevents me from eating properly.

Breastmilk is naturally full of vitamins, antibodies, etc... which formula cannot compete with hence if you are eating healthily, do not be fooled by all the added stuff that is on the formula tin can, thinking it is better than your own milk. One of the most important thing about breastmilk it contains antibodies which formula milk cannot copy. Whenever a lactating mom comes into contact with any germs/virus/bacteria, the body creates antibodies to fend off these nasty stuff. The antibodies are then passed to baby during breastfeeding hence breastfed babies are better able to withstand infections as compared with formula-fed babies. Babies are often in the same environment as its mummy, hence the antibodies that are passed to the baby by breastfeeding are the exact ones that baby needs. Again, such is the wonders of Mother Nature.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

New Beansprout Pillow Case and Bolster Case

Yay!!! I finally got my Japanese Kimono Cotton fabrics! Hayden's gonna be getting new pillow n bolster cases soon!! Yippee! I'll upload the pics of the end product once its done!!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

New shoes from aunty clarie

New chinese baby shoes from aunty Clarie. The "leek" sewn on the bottom of the shoes are meant to be symbolize "suan" or "count" in Mandarin. Hopefully Hayden will be good at Math in future. �

Tasty toes

Babies r just so flexible.. He can suck his toes!!

Friday, 24 June 2011

Look at Hayden drooling... Literally drooling! So much till his sleepsuit is drenched with his drool... But still cute! Hahaha...

Baby sitting aid

Saw this baby sitting aid at Spring Maternity on sale for $49.90 but my hubby says no need for us to buy this. Sigh.. It looks good...

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Microwave baby to death???

Just read on Yahoo news that a mom in California placed her baby in the microwave and burnt her baby to death!

It makes me shudder that any one, ANY MOM especially, could have the heart to harm a defenseless little baby! What was she thinking!?!

Hayden's Milestone!

For the first time last night, Hayden slept from 8.30pm - 3.30am before he woke up for milk! A whole 7 hours!!! I feel so much more rested than I've been since pregnancy.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Hayden in his first month

Looking forward to a new chapter of my life...

Today's my 3rd last day and strangely enough, I took a call from this customer that was quite demanding and insisted to meet me at the branch! After 3.5 years with the bank, this is the first time I actually had to meet a customer at the branch. His issue took my half a day to resolve! So much for trying to hit another 100 calls call stat before I leave. Sigh, guess I'll have to try harder tomorrow.

On a different note, I'm planning to sell some baby stuff on gmarket in my free time. While it seems easy to set up an account with gmarket, there's actually alot of things I need to prepare such as getting a seperate hp tel for buyers to contact me, opening a seperate bank account, deciding what goods to sell and the pricing, etc... I'm contemplating whether to register a company with ACRA, then maybe I'll open a BEA account? Hahaha... It'll be weird if I had to call in and speak to one of my colleagues if I encounter any issues.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Quitting my job to be a stay at home mom

It's a tough decision to make but I've made my choice. I left my job as a manager at a call centre of a local bank to stay home to look after my son, Hayden. Hayden is 7 months now and growing very fast. As I watch him growing day by day, I can't help but feel I'm missing out on being with him during his early childhood. As with many first time moms, I've read alot online and feel that I'm shortchanging my son by not being there for him. Hence I've made up my mind, put it on paper (a.k.a. resignation letter) and this Friday will be my last day! Join me as I share my joy and fear, my experience and opinions on my blog dedicated to little Hayden and all other moms like me!